In 1986, the Marengo County Historical Society (MCHS) was notified that a log cabin had been discovered hidden inside a turn-of-the-century house that was being demolished at the northwest corner of North Strawberry and Lyon Street in Demopolis. The cabin was subsequently denoted to the Historical Society by Mr. and Mrs. John Poole. Records indicate that this may have been one of the earliest dwellings in Demopolis, if not the earliest. The first recorded settler in Demopolis was Steve Noble who built a log cabin and then moved to Clarke County after arrival of the French in 1817. Some believe that this log cabin was the one that was built by pioneer, Steve Noble. The MCHS dismantled the cabin and moved it to Bluff Hall where it was reconstructed. Additional logs were needed to restore the cabin. They were obtained from an old cabin located at Forkland, AL in Greene County. Cedar were used for the roof-decking and floor, and for the 10 x 10 main sills, as framing for the doors and windows, and as board and batten for the gable end. Door hinges were forged to add authentic detail. For the main sill supports, eighteen inch logs were used. A window that fit the cabin’s window opening was located in Hale County. A fireplace and chimney the same size as on the original cabin were built using 2500 old used bricks from the Leaper (Cotton) Oil Mill. Some of the bricks were made in Demopolis, wood-fired from the old brickyard. Some were made in Greensboro, AL in Hale County.
Bluff Hall is located at 405 N. Commissioners Ave., Demopolis, AL (GPS Coordinates 32.520068, -87.840829). The log cabin is located behind Bluff Hall.
Source: The Heritage of Marengo County, Alabama, prepared by The Marengo County Heritage Committee.