This small cabin originally belonged to Francis Marion and Lottie Mosley Tindle. They sold it to their oldest daughter, Mattie, and her husband, Dento …
The dogtrot cabin was a common style of rural home in the South during the 1800s. The dwelling would often begin as a single-room log cabin with the a …
UPDATE: This Falkenberry log cabin was destroyed by fire during October 2013. The cabin has been replaced by the 1880s Stanton dogtrot cabin ( https:/ …
In 1986, the Marengo County Historical Society (MCHS) was notified that a log cabin had been discovered hidden inside a turn-of-the-century house that …
In the early 1860s, Thomas Henry Roberts built this log cabin at Mount Hope in east Wilcox County using yellow pine logs from his property. The logs a …
This log cabin is one of the oldest homes in Washington County. It was built on the east side of Bassett Creek near Wagarville in 1874 by Gibeon Jeffe …
The Camellias is a beautiful antebellum home located just south of Marion, AL. It gets its name from the many camellia bushes located on the front la …
This is a 4-room dogtrot cabin with a full-width porch across the front and a kitchen attached on the back of the house. The house was built on a 120- …