This is one of the oldest churches in the county. The date that the church was organized is unknown; however, it was prior to 1856. The congregation’s first church was a small building constructed with round logs. It was replaced with the current church which is a simple, one-room wood structure with two doors on the front and a front gable overhanging roof. This church was built with hand hewn logs that are covered with wood boards. The interior of the building has an all-wood construction that is unpainted. The date that this church was built is not known; however, it is believed that it was constructed prior to the Civil War based on the features of the building. This church is essentially unchanged from when it was constructed and remains without additions, electricity or plumbing. A privy is located behind the church.
By 1948, the Brushy Creek Church membership had dwindled to the point that regular services were discontinued. The church still has an annual Homecoming Day on the first Thursday in August. On Homecoming Day, the cemetery is cleaned, a preaching service is held, and there is Dinner on the Ground.
The Brushy Creek Methodist Church was added to the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage (ARLH) on October 4, 1993.
This church is located just off Brushy Creek Road approximately two miles south of Lenox, AL (Brushy Creek Methodist Church – Google Maps).
Sources: 1) ARLH “Brushy Creek Methodist Church” Documentation Form; 2) The Heritage of Conecuh County, Alabama published by Heritage Publishing Consultants, Inc., pages 33-34, Brushy Creek Methodist Church.
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